Friday, 7 February 2014

Important information Corbet National Park

Corbet National Park 

The magnificent park established way back in 1936, is one of the  best  known sanctuaries of India. It is named after Jim Corbett, the famous hunter author and conservator. The park covers a large forested  area  of over   520   sq.   kms., comprising of foot hills of Shivalik ranges and  the  Patlidun  Valley   with   swiftly flowing  river  Ramganga.   The  varied topography thus provides home to rich and diverse wildlife.  The dense jungles of the park are famous for the tigers of Kumaon. It is also a haven for the panther, wild boar, sloth bear, elephant, deer, python, cobra, crocodile and gharial etc. The river Ramganga is full of mahseer, trout and goonch fishes. 

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