Monday 17 February 2014

Bodh Gaya Important information

Bodh Gaya 

Bodh Gaya (once Uruvela village) is the most important and sacred Buddhist pilgrim centre in the world. It was here that Gautama (Prince Siddharth) finally attained nirvana under the bodhi (banyan) tree  and  became Buddha, the enlightened   one.   Siddhartha Gautama was born in 566 BC in Lumbini   (Nepal), as a Sakya Mahabodhi Temple prince of Kapilvastu. He renounced the royal heritage and faced hardships in search for the 'Truth' - the causes of human suffering. Some of the most important events associated with his life, like enlightenment and the last sermon, happened in Bihar and thus the State is regarded as the 'cradle' of Buddhism. Today, Bodh Gaya is an international centre for Buddhism and has temples and monasteries built by various countries like, China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, Bhutan and Nepal

Tourist Acctration in Bodh Gaya
  • Mahabodhi Temple
  • Bodhi Tree
  • Vajrasana
  • Animesh Lochan Stupa
  • Ratnagarh Chaitya
  • The Ratnachakarma or Jewel Walk
  • Bodhisarovar
  • Japanese Temple
  • Thai Temple & Monastery
  • Muchalinda Lake
  • Magadh University
  • Shaivite Monastery

Mahabodhi Temple : The sacred temple complex set amidst lush lawns, marks the site where Buddha attained enlightenment or spiritual illumination. The original temple at this site was built by emperor Ashoka in 3rd century B.C. It was rebuilt during the 7th century A.D., by the Pala kings of Bengal. The shrine was rediscovered in 1883, by eminent archaeologists and is now a World Heritage Site of UNESCO. The present structure is a blend of architectural styles of different periods and cultures, but the style of the Guptas and later stages is clearly evident. The exquisitely carved 54 metres high pyramidal spire of the main temple dominates the landscape. The main sanctum enshrines a golden image of Lord Buddha in sitting posture. The entire courtyard of the temple is studded with a large number of beautiful stupas, in different sizes and built during the past 2,500 years.

Bodhi Tree : Lord Buddha is said to have attained nirvana, while meditating under this sacred tree. It lies towards the left in the Mahabodhi Temple Complex. The tree was destroyed and replanted at least five times. The present tree grew from a sapling brought from the Bodhi tree at Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka, which was planted by emperor Ashoka's son Mahinda, who took a sapling from the original tree to Sri Lanka, on one of his missions to propagate the teachings of Lord Buddha. The holy tree is surrounded by small, but beautifully carved votive stupas and chaityas.

Vajrasana : The 'seat of stability', a red sandstone platform beneath the Bodhi tree marks the site where Buddha is believed to have sat in meditation gazing east. It probably dates back to 3rd century B.C. In 1993, the then Sri Lankan president Ranasinghe Premadasa gifted a golden canopy and a golden railing around the Vajrasana as a gift from the People of Sri Lanka

Animesh Lochan Stupa : It is believed that Buddha spent the second week after enlightenment over here.

Ratnagarh Chaitya : Lord Buddha spent one week here to attain Abhidhama Naya (deep meditation), a higher mode of exposition.

The Ratnachakarma or Jewel Walk: The third week after pious enlightenment was spent here

Bodhisarovar : The sacred pond lies to the west of Bodhi temple. It is said that Buddha bathed here before going into the meditation under bodhitrees.

Japanese Temple : The beautiful pagoda shaped Peace Ceremony shrine with a splendid image of Lord Buddha, is set conducts this ceremony to set amidst a well laid out garden

Thai Temple & Monastery : This brightly coloured shrine has gold lacquered tiles and a  sloping roof, ending in curled dragons. It has a huge image of Lord Buddha.

Muchalinda Lake : The sixth week was spent here by Lord Buddha. Archaeological Survey of India Museum: This fine museum exhibits a rich collection of Buddhist and Hindu relics, terracotta seals, scriptures and railings / pillars dating back from 1 st century B.C. to llth century A.D.

Magadh University : The prestigious international university is well known for its studies in history, culture and philosophy.

Shaivite Monastery : It lies near the Mahabodhi temple and has a cluster of four temples amidst lush surroundings.

Air Port : Gaya ( 1 7 kms.) and Patna(135kms.).
Railhead : Gaya.     
Road: Well connected

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